Friday, December 7, 2012

Online Tools I tried several online tools from the list. Here are the top four. 1. 2. 3. 4. The one I tried and would probably use the most is Remember the Milk. As I got into it I thought it might be similar to some of the features of our google calendar but it also interacts with google calendar. It will help me get organized as well as help my memory which is not what it once was. It review my upcoming tasks for the week and I can add new tasks or make changes to existing ones. I can check off what I've completed or postpone a task - which is nice of us procrastinators. It will let me look at tasks that are late or overdue and then there are just some tasks for me that I don't have a due date for but they need to be done within a couple of woeeks or so. There is a feature called Smart List where I can make a list based on criteria I define and they are automatically updated. I can share my task list and I can prioritize my list. I have dates for the 504 part of my job that I need to send out parent reminders as well as tell myself when the paperwork is due. They are all year long and all at different times. I currently write them on my calendar but then I need to locate my calendar several times a week. I also have PST dates for particular students that I need to remember and keep track of. Remember the Milk can help me with all that. I could actually get more organized and be less stressed about deadlines. Talk to me in a few months and see where I am with this. Everyone needs an accountability person.

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