Monday, September 17, 2012

Although I am new to blogging I can definitely see its benefits.  One of the benefits it allows me to be reflective in my teaching practices and learn from my own documented observations.  It is also helpful to have others provide feedback that will shape and enrich my own observations about teaching reading.  Another benefit is it helps to develop a stronger connection with colleagues in the same field beyond my own local sphere.


  1. Robin: What a great tool for you to have in your profession! I would love to have a literacy "expert" to share great ideas with me that I could try out in my classroom. You might not have students to reflect, but if you shared some strategies you try during intervention, I would think many teachers would begin to follow and have questions or comments. :)

  2. Robin, I agree so much that reflection is so important. And as a second year teacher, I am always looking for feedback because I know I have a lot of growing to do. I always thought blogs were a "flying solo" kind of thing, but it amazes me the sense of community that is possible through them.

    Jen Lawson

  3. Robin,
    Look at you getting all kinds of technology this year! :) I know as a teacher, who currently seeks blogs for great teaching ideas would love to have expert advice and suggestions from someone like yourself. I look at a few blogs for teaching communities that you might enjoy looking at too. :)

    Kayla Blankenship
